反相蛋白组学 技术服务


Reverse Phase Protein Array (RPPA)反相蛋白微阵列技术介绍

反相蛋白微阵列(Reverse Phase Protein Array, RPPA)技术是一种结合平面高精度大规模样品蛋白抗原微阵列打印和抗体检测的高通量蛋白组学技术,该平台由MD安德森个体化治疗中心(IPCT)创始人Gordon Mills博士一手打造,并作为The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)的核心蛋白组学技术平台,承担了33种癌种、超过10000例临床样本的数据的采集与分析工作,其相关研究成果发表在Nature、Cell、Cancer Cell、New England Journal of Medicine、Nature Biotechnology等学术杂志的高水平论文多达500篇以上。


尽管TCGA以及Pan-Cancer Atlas为肿瘤学研究提供了宝贵的第一手资料,然而临床医学研究者往往因缺乏生物信息学基础,而在处理这些大规模的具有巨大潜在价值的癌症数据时感到心有余而力不足。作为RPPA在中国唯一授权的技术服务平台,非因生物提供与TCGA完全相同的RPPA标准化大规模样品制备、点阵、检测及相关生物信息学联合分析全套解决方案,并提供个性化的附加靶点分析服务,为中国临床转化医学研究和药物研发提供独特而强大的技术平台支持。








  • 蛋白功能分析
  • 细胞信号转导机理研究
  • 疾病模型分子机理挖掘与探索性研究
  • 临床队列样本功能蛋白组学研究
  • 临床队列样本基于蛋白组学的分子分型研究
  • 临床样本的生物标志物探索与验证
  • 临床样本疾病突变基因相关蛋白分子病理研究
  • 临床样本多组学共分析



  • 靶向药物及药物组合系统性研究
  • 靶向药物标志物发现与验证
  • 体内外药物靶点on-target/off-target研究
  • 药物作用机理MOA研究
  • 先导化合物机理验证与优化筛选
  • 临床前药物剂量选择研究
  • 临床(前)安全性评估
  • 临床试验临床试验入组人群筛选及药效评估



20-40 微克蛋白即可实现380 靶点检测,能够满足 RPPA分析的样品范围广,包括临床实体瘤手术样品、穿刺活检标本、PDX模型样品、体外培养细胞、3D培养物等都广泛适用。


蛋白及蛋白修饰位点在蛋白变性后的线性状态下检测,样本稳定性高,消除表位识别中潜在的问题。基于 IS015189 质量管理体系的标准化技术流程,质控严格,能够高效对大样本平行进行检测,数据分析与评估。

靶点独立检测 样本通量高

针对一个检测靶标,在同一反应微环境下平行分析100-1000 个样本,样本通量明显高于其他蛋白组学技术平台,而且独立进行各靶点检测反应,完全排除不同靶点间信号串扰问题。


样品微阵列经过精心设计,设立严格和全面的多种细胞系样品对照,每一个样品(包括待测样品与对照样品)都进行系列梯度稀释,靶点信号进行相对定量,能 够兼顾不同丰度靶点信号,且能够检出微小信号差别及低丰度信号,灵敏度高。



专业和丰富的 RPPA 技术服务经验

专业的技术服务团队,10年以上 RPPA 反相蛋白微阵列技术服务经验,国际一流的实验室条件和自动化水平,确保可靠的实验结果,可实现一对一的项目方案设计。灵活性强,充分理解实验需求,从样本准备开始直到数据分析挖掘都由专项人员负责,充分将临床样本中能获得的数据信息和临床病人资料进行关联分析。


完全标准化的生物信息学分析流程,经验丰富的多组学数据分析团队,能够对生物学数据及临床数据进行综合分析及深度挖掘,我们仅在 RPPA 生信分析流程搭 建和优化领域发表相关论文超过 5 篇,具有绝对权威。独创的用户友好生物信息分析界面,便于终端用户进行自主分析及作图,使得论文发表更加便捷化,个性化。




26061751Comprehensive, Integrative Genomic Analysis of Diffuse Lower-Grade GliomasN Engl J Med79.258
28112728Integrated genomic and molecular characterization of cervical cancerNature41.577
26091043Genomic Classification of Cutaneous MelanomaCell31.398
26451490Comprehensive Molecular Portraits of Invasive Lobular Breast CancerCell31.398
29625048Cell-of-Origin Patterns Dominate the Molecular Classification of 10,000 Tumors from 33 Types of CancerCell31.398
26901648Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effortNat Methods30.822
28920958The N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-forming enzyme METTL3 controls myeloid differentiation of normal and leukemia cellsNat Med30.641
24874569TCGA-Assembler: An Open-Source Pipeline for TCGA Data Downloading, Assembling, and ProcessingNat Methods28.467
26725216Long-Term ERK Inhibition in KRAS-Mutant Pancreatic Cancer Is Associated with MYC Degradation and Senescence-like Growth SuppressionCancer Cell26.602
29438696The Integrated Genomic Landscape of Thymic Epithelial TumorsCancer Cell26.602
29533785Systematic Functional Annotation of Somatic Mutations in CancerCancer Cell26.602
29706454A-to-I RNA Editing Contributes to Proteomic Diversity in CancerCancer Cell26.602
30537514Resistance to epigenetic-targeted therapy engenders tumor cell vulnerabilities associated with enhancer remodelingCancer Cell26.602
30777870Targeting DNA damage response promotes anti-tumor immunity through STING-mediated T-cell activation in small cell lung cancerCancer Discov26.37
31649109Atypical KRASG12R Mutant Is Impaired in PI3K Signaling and Macropinocytosis in Pancreatic CancerCancer Discov26.37
31658955The KRASG12C Inhibitor, MRTX849, Provides Insight Toward Therapeutic Susceptibility of KRAS Mutant Cancers in Mouse Models and PatientsCancer Discov26.37
26691984Identification of significantly mutated regions across cancer types highlights a rich landscape of functional molecular alterationsNat Genet25.455
33157050Large-Scale Characterization of Drug Responses of Clinically Relevant Proteins in Cancer Cell LinesCancer Cell24.722
2567007914-3-3ζ turns TGF-β’s function from tumor suppressor to metastasis promoter in breast cancer by contextual changes of Smad partners from p53 to Gli2Cancer Cell23.916
27165744Comprehensive Pan-Genomic Characterization of Adrenocortical CarcinomaCancer Cell 22.844
28196595Characterization of Human Cancer Cell Lines by Reverse-phase Protein ArraysCancer Cell 22.844
28292439Integrated Molecular Characterization of Uterine CarcinosarcomaCancer Cell 22.844
28528867A Pan-Cancer Proteogenomic Atlas of PI3K/AKT/mTOR Pathway AlterationsCancer Cell 22.844
28810144Integrated Genomic Characterization of Pancreatic Ductal AdenocarcinomaCancer Cell 22.844
29533782BRD4 Inhibition Is Synthetic Lethal with PARP Inhibitors through the Induction of Homologous Recombination DeficiencyCancer Cell22.844
30209121B-cell receptor-mediated NFATc1 activation induces IL-10/STAT3/PD-L1 signaling in diffuse large B-cell lymphomaBlood22.113
30867319ZEB1 suppression sensitizes KRAS mutant cancers to MEK inhibition by an IL17RD-dependent mechanismSci Transl Med17.953
28389531CHK1-targeted therapy to deplete DNA replication-stressed, p53-deficient, hyperdiploid colorectal cancer stem cellsGut17.016
31068440Metabolic reprogramming toward oxidative phosphorylation identifies a therapeutic target for mantle cell lymphomaScience Translational Medicine16.89
32907612Loss of FBXW7-mediated degradation of BRAF elicits resistance to BET inhibitors in adult T cell leukemia cells.Mol Cancer15.302
27268264Atg7 suppression enhances chemotherapeutic agent sensitivity and overcomes stroma-mediated chemoresistance in acute myeloid leukemiaBlood 15.132
29101238Glucocorticoid resistance is reverted by LCK inhibition in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemiaBlood15.132
30093402Molecular profiling reveals immunogenic cues in anaplastic large cell lymphomas with DUSP22 rearrangementsBlood 15.132
23154546A Pilot Characterization of Human Lung NSCLC by Protein Pathway Activation MappingJ Thorac Oncol13.375
33008901High-throughput small molecule screening reveals Nrf2-dependent and -independent pathways of cellular stress resistanceSci Adv13.116
32068166STING pathway expression identifies non-small cell lung cancers with an immune-responsive phenotypeJ Thorac Oncol12.46
26081979The ZNF304-integrin axis protects against anoikis in cancerNat Commun 12.353
31112530Tumor-intrinsic PIK3CA represses tumor immunogenicity in a model of pancreatic cancerJ Clin Invest12.282
26080861Characterization of twenty-five ovarian tumour cell lines that phenocopy primary tumoursNat Commun12.121
28653662CDK4/6 and autophagy inhibitors synergistically induce senescence in Rb positive cytoplasmic cyclin E negative cancersNat Commun12.121
29725014Clinical and genomic landscape of gastric cancer with a mesenchymal phenotypeNat Commun12.121
30755611Deregulated Gab2 phosphorylation mediates aberrant AKT and STAT3 signaling upon PIK3R1 loss in ovarian cancerNature Communications12.118
30962452Breast cancer quantitative proteome and proteogenomic landscapeNature Communications12.118
32081846Immuno-genomic landscape of osteosarcomaNature Communications12.118
30143629SIRT6 haploinsufficiency induces BRAFV600E melanoma cell resistance to MAPK inhibitors via IGF signallingNat Commun11.878
30902996Dissecting heterogeneity in malignant pleural mesothelioma through histo-molecular gradients for clinical applicationsNat Commun11.878
32826891GLUT1 inhibition blocks growth of RB1-positive triple negative breast cancerNat Commun11.878
34741023Neoadjuvant T-DM1/pertuzumab and paclitaxel/trastuzumab/pertuzumab for HER2+ breast cancer in the adaptively randomized I-SPY2 trialNat Commun11.878
